A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)

Overall rating: 4/10

It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t watched a lot of slasher film exactly why this movie seems so very homoerotic. The standard plot of a slasher film: deranged killer with some sort of Freudian sexual dysfunction hacks up a bunch of white teenagers with a phallic object until the final girl appropriates a phallic weapon of her own and, after being terrorized, manages to overcome her adversary. When you make the final girl a guy things seem very. . . odd. The formula is off and once you start looking for gay innuendo in horror movies you see it everywhere.

Add to this the fact that there is more male nudity and deaths in this film than female and a downright bizarre s&m loving male gym teacher who dies naked in the shower after being attacked by a room full of various balls, and you are suddenly left with the homoerotic adventures of Freddy. Which, incidentally, is what I think the subtitle of this film should be. Freddy spends his time trying to take over the body of the boy who moved into the final girl’s house from the first film. The boy, Jesse, runs around freaking out and telling people that Freddy is trying to get inside him. He’s the classic final girl. He also has a girlfriend, who he leaves half naked during a make-out session to have a sleep over with his shirtless friend Grady.

Gayness aside, there are some genuinely creepy things that happen in the movie and some good special effects. Overall there are only six deaths in the film and not a lot of blood. The Nightmare movies seem to go more for special effects, Freddy ripping off the top of his head to show his brain, Freddy’s finger knives growing out of Jesse’s hand, than for gushing blood. Really, the only remarkable thing about this movie is the amount of male nudity and homoeroticism, the rest of it is pretty silly.

This movie has a few black people in the background at the high school and one cop, but they aren’t characters and have no lines.

Continue reading for list of victims and final girl.

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